About Hospice Care

We understand that Hospice may be difficult to discuss for some. The staff at Cogdell Hospice is here to answer any of your questions and provide information to help you become comfortable with the Hospice approach to end of life care.

Hospice is available for patients diagnosed with a life-limiting illness with a prognosis of six months or less. When a cure is no longer a viable option, the hospice team provides medical care and support while surrounded by those you love in a comfortable environment.

How can Cogdell help?

Hospice care addresses not only the physical and medical needs of the patient but the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and their family.  You may hear us refer to your “care team”; this team involves a variety of professionals who coordinate with you and your family to provide you with the following services:

  • Nursing Care
  • Physicians
  • Certified Nurse’s Aids
  • Social Services
  • Dietary Counseling
  • Volunteer Services
  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Grief Support
  • Medical Supplies & Equipment
  • Medication Management

Cogdell provides services tailored to the needs of each patient.   Depending on the needs at the time:

  • Respite Care: Available to provide a “break” to caregivers by allowing the patient to stay in  our  hospice room for up to five days.
  • Critical Care: Provided when intense nursing care is required to keep the patient comfortable while controlling a sudden change of symptoms or pain level.
  • Inpatient Care: Thanks to the generosity of the CMH Auxiliary and the commitment of Cogdell Hospice, we are honored to provide comfortable accommodations to patients and families when moments matter most in our new Hospice Care Suite. The living and dining area includes a comfortable sofa, two chairs, and a dining table. The kitchen area includes a mini-fridge, microwave and is stocked with snacks, water, and coffee. What is not included in the room may be found around the corner in vending machines or downstairs in the Cogdell Cafe. The Hospice Care Suite is available to patients who are receiving Hospice care and who qualify for Respite or General Inpatient Level of Care. Respite Care is available in qualifying circumstances for short periods of caregiver relief. GIP is for patients with uncontrolled pain or other symptoms that cannot be managed in the patient’s home setting.

We offer hospice care in a variety of locations, but the goals of keeping the patient comfortable and safe while providing a network of support to the family remain the same.

Who Qualifies

A person qualifies for hospice care if a physician determines the patient has a life-limiting illness with a diagnosis of 6 months or less to live if the illness runs its normal course.  Cogdell will work with the physician, case manager, patient and the family to determine eligibility for hospital hospice care.

Cogdell accepts all patients regardless of race, color, national origin, nature of disability, age, or religious background.  Potential patients will be accepted if the patient needs can be met by Cogdell.

How can I get more information?

We know you may have many more questions.  For more information, please contact us by calling 325-573-6374. We care for patients residing in Mitchell, Scurry, Fisher, Nolan, Howard, Borden and Garza counties.