Although COVID-19 is on everyone’s minds, people are still suffering from other respiratory illnesses like flu, strep throat, and RSV. In order to protect you, our staff, and others, we have opened a drive-through lab testing for patients with respiratory illnesses.
If you have a respiratory illness and need to be seen by a provider, patients will need to follow the 4 steps below:
1. Call 325-573-1300 to set up a virtual visit appointment with a provider.
2. During your appointment, your provider will listen to your symptoms and discuss the next steps.
3. If your provider determines testing is needed, a Cogdell representative will contact you to set up an appointment. Most tests will be used to diagnose or rule out flu, strep, and/or RSV.
4. At your appointment time, pull up to the main entrance of the hospital, roll down your windows, turn off the engine, remain in your vehicle, and a laboratory representative will meet you at your vehicle.
COVID-19 testing is available at Cogdell, however testing swabs are extremely limited. Federal, state, and local health authorities have established screening criteria to determine who should be tested. Current screening criteria include the presence of symptoms, travel history, and the likelihood of exposure. If a provider suspects someone may have COVID-19, but does not qualify for testing, specific instructions for care and self-isolation will be provided. If anytime, you think your symptoms are life-threatening, you should call 911.
These procedures are subject to change as needed to ensure the health and safety of our community.